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The post Focus on Data Quality and Data Lineage for improved trust and reliability first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

Elevate your data game by mastering data quality and lineage for unmatched trust and reliability.

Table of Contents
1. The Importance of Data Quality
1.1 Accuracy
1.2 Completeness
1.3 Consistency
1.4 Timeliness
2. The Role of Data Lineage in Trust and Reliability
2.1 Traceability
2.2 Transparency
2.3 Compliance
2.4 Risk Management
3. Integrating Data Quality and Data Lineage for Enhanced Trust
3.1 Implement Data Quality Controls
3.2 Leverage Data Lineage Tools
3.3 Foster a Data-Driven Culture
3.4 Continuous Improvement
4. Parting Words

As organizations continue doubling their reliance on data, the question of having credible data becomes more and more important. However, with the increase in volume and variety of the data, high quality and keeping track of where the data is coming from and how it is being transformed become essential for building credibility with the data. This blog is about data quality and data lineage and how both concepts contribute to the creation of a rock-solid foundation of trust and reliability in any organization.

1. The Importance of Data Quality

Assurance of data quality is the foundation of any data-oriented approach. Advanced information’reflects realities of the environment accurately, comprehensively, and without contradiction and delays.’ It makes it possible for decisions that are made on the basis of this data to be accurate and reliable. However, the use of inaccurate data leads to mistakes, unwise decisions to be made, and also demoralization of stakeholders.

1.1 Accuracy: 

Accuracy, as pertains to data definition, means the extent to which the data measured is actually representative of the entities that it describes or the conditions it quantifies. Accuracy in numbers reduces the margin of error in the results of analysis and conclusions made.

1.2 Completeness: 

Accurate data provides all important information requisite in order to arrive at the right decisions. Missing information can leave one uninformed, thus leading to the wrong conclusions.

1.3 Consistency: 

It makes data consistent within the different systems and databases within an organization. Conflicting information is always confusing and may not allow an accurate assessment of a given situation to be made.

1.4 Timeliness: 

Data is real-time; hence, decisions made reflect on the current position of the firm and the changes that are occurring within it.

2. The Role of Data Lineage in Trust and Reliability

Although data quality is a significant aspect, data provenance, data lineage, and data destination are equally significant factors. This is where data lineage comes into play. Data lineage, therefore, ensures that one knows the lineage of the data, the point of origination, how it evolved, and the pathways it has been through. Data lineage gives a distinct chain of how a piece of data comes through an organization right through to its utilization.

2.1 Traceability: 

Data lineage gives organizations the ability to trace data to its original source. Such traceability is crucial for verifying the correctness as well as accuracy of the data collected.

2.2 Transparency: 

As a result, one of the most important advantages of using data lineage is better transparency within the company. The company ensures that the stakeholders have an insight into how the data has been analyzed and transformed, which is important in building confidence in the data.

2.3 Compliance: 

Most industries are under the pressure of strict data regulations. Data lineage makes compliance easy for an organization in that there is accountability for data movement and changes, especially when an audit is being conducted.

2.4 Risk Management: 

Data lineage also means beneficial for defining the risks for the data processing pipeline. It is only by becoming familiar with the data’s flow that an organization can easily identify any issues, such as errors or inconsistencies, before arriving at the wrong conclusion based on the wrong data.

3. Integrating Data Quality and Data Lineage for Enhanced Trust

Data quality and data lineage are related and have to be addressed together as part of a complete data management framework. Here’s how organizations can achieve this:

3.1 Implement Data Quality Controls: 

Set up certain policies in the process of data management at each phase of the process. Conduct daily, weekly, monthly, and as needed check-ups and data clean-ups to check if the data is of the needed quality.

3.2 Leverage Data Lineage Tools: 

Ensure that software selection for data lineage gives a graphical representation of the flow of data. These tools are quite useful for monitoring data quality problems and the potential effects of such changes on the data.

3.3 Foster a Data-Driven Culture: 

Promote use of data within the organization, which would ensure that high importance is placed on the quality and origin of such data. Also, explain to the employees the relevance of these ideas and the part they play in the success of any business.

3.4 Continuous Improvement: 

Data quality and lineage are not just activities that are done once but are rather cyclical. Ensure that the quality of data management is consistent with an ongoing process of active monitoring of new developments in the business environment and new trends and possibilities offered by technology.

4. Parting Words

When data is being treated as an important company asset, it becomes crucial to maintain the quality of the data and to know its origin in order to build its credibility. Companies that follow data quality and lineage will be in a better position to take the right decisions, follow the rules and regulations set for them, and be in a better position compared to their competitors. If adopted in their data management process, these practices can help organizations realize the full value of their data, encompassing certainty and dependability central to organizational success.

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The post Focus on Data Quality and Data Lineage for improved trust and reliability first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

AITech Interview with Becky Parisotto, VP, Commerce & Retail Platforms at Orium https://ai-techpark.com/aitech-interview-with-becky-parisotto/ Tue, 16 Jul 2024 13:30:00 +0000 https://ai-techpark.com/?p=172966 Learn how MACH architecture is revolutionizing retail, enabling brands to adapt swiftly and efficiently to modern commerce demands. Becky, please provide a brief overview of your role and expertise within Orium, particularly in assisting commerce and retail brands with their digital transformation journey? I’m the VP Digital Programs at Orium,...

The post AITech Interview with Becky Parisotto, VP, Commerce & Retail Platforms at Orium first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

Learn how MACH architecture is revolutionizing retail, enabling brands to adapt swiftly and efficiently to modern commerce demands.

Becky, please provide a brief overview of your role and expertise within Orium, particularly in assisting commerce and retail brands with their digital transformation journey?

I’m the VP Digital Programs at Orium, which means I’m the executive sponsor for all projects and programs that fall within this line of business. The duties of an executive sponsor on a project or program at Orium involve providing strategic guidance, oversight, and support throughout the project lifecycle, with specific internal and external duties. Here are some key responsibilities of an executive sponsor in this context:

  • Program / customer alignment
  • Leadership and support to clients, teams and internal stakeholders
  • Strategic decision making
  • Stakeholder management in programs
  • Risk management in programs

What is the role of composable commerce and MACH architecture, and what is its significance in today’s digital transformation landscape?

When digital commerce first emerged, brands operated two separate sales streams: in-store and online. This isn’t the case anymore, and as the where, when and how of commerce experiences has evolved, retailers have started leveraging a MACH approach (Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud native, and Headless) to overcome the rigidity of older technology stacks and enable them to serve their customers better.

With the growth of the MACH ecosystem, brands are recognizing the value of a composable approach. Composable architectures mean every component is independent, and they’re brought together in a curated, best-for-me system. This means brands can choose each element of their digital services to best meet their specific business model needs. The realities of modern commerce require brands to be able to respond effectively and efficiently to changes in the marketplace and the ability to custom curate and seamlessly integrate solutions is a core part of how brands will grow and thrive in the future.

What challenges do you believe organizations face when considering a transition to MACH architecture, based on your experience working with various brands?

One of the biggest challenges brands face is understanding how to work within this new paradigm. Monolithic solutions can be overly rigid and limiting, but they do take a lot of the decision-making out of the equation. One of the areas I work most closely with our clients on is helping determine both the what and the how— where do they need new tech today to create or seize opportunities and how should they approach implementation to maximize success.

Accelerators are an extremely effective way for brands to take advantage of the interoperability of a composable architecture while streamlining a lot of the early decision-making and integration. Orium’s Composable Accelerators, for example, provide a pre-integrated framework to operate from, which enables brands to launch on a new system in as few as 6 weeks, without compromising the ability to select the vendors that make the most sense for their unique business needs.

Could you elaborate on the key insights from the “Get MACH Ready” report regarding the importance of understanding the motives behind transitioning to MACH?

Making a move to a new tech stack — and especially to a new approach to how you architect and manage your tech stack — requires complete organizational buy-in. As with any investment, it’s not to be taken lightly. It will change not just the technology, but the ways in which teams are structured and how your organization operates, what skills your team members need and how you think about and approach challenges. Because of that, it is imperative that everyone is bought into the initiative from the start. And to secure that buy-in, you need to be aligned on why this matters.

How will making a move to MACH improve the function of the organization? How will it help teams in their day to day work? What impact will it have on helping everyone meet the strategic goals of the company? Understanding what you’re aiming towards is crucial. It’s often referred to as the “North Star”— that future-state of org-level functionality that means you are able to achieve what you want, how you want, when you want it.

How essential is it for organizations to garner support from all impacted departments before involving the C-suite in the decision-making process, as outlined in the report?

Gaining universal buy-in, especially when people are entrenched in the status quo, can be really challenging. By digging into the challenges of each department and helping them understand how a move to a MACH-based composable architecture can positively affect their day-to-day work and help them achieve what they need to, you can start to build a groundswell of support. The C-Suite, especially the CEO and CFO, are going to be extremely motivated by results that can drive revenue or decrease costs. When you connect directly with impacted departments, you can present real data about what to expect from the improvements that come with MACH.

In your opinion, what are the critical components of building a compelling financial case for transitioning to MACH, and how does it contribute to the success of the overall strategy?

I talk a lot about the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), because I think it’s one of the most critical parts to understand about the move to MACH. With an all-in-one monolith, people have always looked at cost as just the number on the contract. One year of this solution costs X amount of money, the end. But that has always been an overly simplistic view of cost. Understanding things like time to first value and ROI are important, but don’t overlook the impact of efficiency gains. Does your marketing team have the ability to adjust messaging without the support of developers with this new approach? How does that contribute to revenue? Are developers building new features instead of wasting days, weeks, and even months on maintenance and bug fixes with a legacy platform? How does that impact revenue? TCO doesn’t just look at the cost of the solutions, it also looks at the gains, because these things aren’t separate from one another. Even things like employee engagement should be examined— hiring and training new staff because employees are frustrated by a lack of growth opportunities or bad experiences with outdated software is an expensive way to justify keeping your legacy stack, and long term can have a terrible impact on your company culture. It’s all connected and the more you’re able to reinforce the holistic view of the financials, the better.

Could you discuss the significance of talent and change management in the context of transitioning to MACH, and how can organizations effectively address these aspects?

As I noted earlier, switching to a composable architecture isn’t just about the technology. Because technology doesn’t operate itself (at least, not yet…). Ultimately, there are people at every single level who will be working with and impacted by the adoption of this new approach. There will be new skills to be learned and old skills may no longer be relevant. Your team and organizational structures may need to shift. Operational routines, in particular, will change. These are challenging things for people! Change is challenging! But when handled thoughtfully, when planned for and communicated clearly at every stage, this kind of change can present incredible opportunities for growth. Communication is key— listen to the team’s concerns and do your best to address those issues head on. Don’t be afraid to be open and honest throughout the process. These are the people who are going to either embrace or reject your new approach. Why not make it as easy as possible from them to embrace it?

What are the potential pitfalls of implementing MACH architecture out of order, and how can businesses navigate these challenges based on the clear seven-step process outlined in the report?

In any transformation, there are going to be risks. Adopting a MACH approach is no different. Broadly speaking, there are three categories of risk:

  • Lack of buy-in
  • Lack of planning
  • Lack of communication

I’ve already talked about how important it is to get align around the North Star and garner buy-in before you even commit to making the move to MACH, but this isn’t something that’s done at the outset and then is done forever. Buy-in is an ongoing process. Ensuring you not only get, but maintain, support from the whole team is crucial. Even one or two powerful naysayers can tank a great program, so take the time to check-in regularly, gauge where people are at and how they’re feeling, and address concerns quickly before they become the freight train that has no brakes.

It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: you can’t stumble into success here. A transition to a new tech approach is extremely doable, but only if you’ve taken the time and care to do it well. A trusted systems integrator is invaluable in this, as they’ll be able to help you think through what you don’t already know, identify potential areas of concern and roadblocks with your specific circumstances, help you select the solutions that make the most sense for your needs, and guide you through the process of change management. We’ve seen it all before, we can help you, too!

Keep, People. Informed. It sounds so simple, but it proves, time and again, to be one of the biggest stumbling blocks for brands. It’s not enough to talk to team members once at the start, or to just tell them what’s happening and not include them in the decision making process. You want and need diverse perspectives to ensure you know where your most pressing issues are up front, and then to know where things are going right, if things are going wrong, and how to fix them. Maintaining stakeholder support only happens with effective communications. Expectation setting, sharing of wins, timeline updates… all of this needs to happen on a set cadence so everyone knows where and when they’ll hear news and have the ability to ask questions. Don’t leave people in the dark.

Following the launch of a MACH implementation, what strategies do you recommend for organizations to monitor and optimize their performance, particularly in terms of metrics and analytics?

Each organization will care about and want to examine different metrics, depending on what they were investing in and focused on, and part of the aligning on a North Star and setting expectations early on process should include identifying key metrics you’ll measure to understand what success looks like. Maybe your experiences had terrible performance in the past and you were losing customers because of that— page load speeds are going to be a key metric to measure. Or maybe you replaced your checkout experience, and you identified average order size and checkout completion rates as the key metrics. The important thing is you examine what matters most and refine your approach if you’re not hitting your benchmarks. When you do, you can move on to focus on other aspects of the experience for improvement, but don’t stop monitoring those key first areas. You want to ensure that once you hit those targets, you keep hitting them and where and when possible, set new targets to work towards.

Lastly, how can organizations ensure they maximize the return on investment (ROI) of their MACH transition, and what ongoing strategies do you suggest for continuous improvement and adaptation?

There are two things I would suggest for getting the most out of your MACH architectures.

  1. Monitor and optimize. Just because you improved page load times by 300% doesn’t mean you never need to think about it again. Monitor, refine, check in again. Composable is inherently capable of supporting a strong, cross-platform data infrastructure. Dig into it and find the areas of opportunity!
  2. Leverage the experts. The advantage of a composable approach is you have access to support from the people who know search (or checkout, or front-end performance, or order management and inventory oversight… you get the picture) the best! Your SI and the vendors you work with will be able to help you not just use the basic functions of your implementation, but truly take advantage of all the bells and whistles these best of breed vendors have to offer.

The other thing to remember: the whole point of adopting a composable approach is that you get what your business needs, not whatever comes in the box. If something isn’t working for you, you can and should swap it out.

Becky Parisotto

VP, Commerce & Retail Platforms at Orium

ecky Parisotto is the Vice President, Digital Programs at Orium, bringing over 13 years of experience in eCommerce client services and program management to some of the biggest client engagements. With a focus on in-store technology, loyalty programs and customer data activation, Becky’s work supports the future of unified commerce. Orium is focused on large-scale digital composable commerce transformations for the retail space, bringing omni-channel technologies together. Key accounts that Becky works with are Harry Rosen and Princess Auto in Canada, and SiteOne Landscape, Shamrock Foods, in the USA.

The post AITech Interview with Becky Parisotto, VP, Commerce & Retail Platforms at Orium first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

The Foundational Best Practices for Voice Cybersecurity: Mutare https://ai-techpark.com/the-foundational-best-practices-for-voice-cybersecurity-mutare/ Fri, 01 Mar 2024 15:00:00 +0000 https://ai-techpark.com/?p=157055 Mutare, Inc. (Mutare), a leading innovator of enterprise solutions for Voice Threat Defense, announced today the release of a new set of comprehensive best practices to guide and direct organizations across the globe in response to the challenges posed by the growing cacophony of voice-centric cyber-attacks.  The Foundational Best Practices for...

The post The Foundational Best Practices for Voice Cybersecurity: Mutare first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

Mutare, Inc. (Mutare), a leading innovator of enterprise solutions for Voice Threat Defenseannounced today the release of a new set of comprehensive best practices to guide and direct organizations across the globe in response to the challenges posed by the growing cacophony of voice-centric cyber-attacks.  The Foundational Best Practices for Voice Cybersecurity includes guidance and direction for adding Voice Security into existing cybersecurity and risk management strategies, policies, and practices.

Voice is one of the fastest-growing cybersecurity threat vectors, but organizations have been disastrously slow to react, leaving a gap in the Attack Surface. The Foundational Best Practices for Voice Cybersecurity provides direction for enterprise-class organizations to better understand:

  • The emergence of Voice as a powerful threat vector;
  • The Foundational Best Practices for incorporating Voice into an Enterprise Risk Management Strategy;
  • Guidance to “reasonably” protect and defend the organization’s people, processes, data, infrastructure, customers and partners.

Vishing, social engineering, GenAI, spoof calls, voice spam storms and robocalls are some of the more well-known voice-centric attack types plaguing organizations of all sizes and in every industry sector. The Foundational Best Practices for Voice Cybersecurity provides comprehensive guidelines that organizations can follow to adequately defend and protect against these, and other, ever-evolving cyber threats targeting the voice channel.

The Foundational Best Practices for Voice Cybersecurity has been structured for an enterprise-wide approach, where disparate operating units (Information Technology, Security & Risk Management, and Contact Center) come together for an aligned and integrated defense. Included are sixteen practical best practices to help organizations reduce their organizational risk, protect their people, physical assets, and digital assets. 

Evolving regulatory and legal precedents have highlighted the importance of having measures in place to protect and defend the voice channel. While governments are working to rapidly enact new regulations, the legal system may hold the most significant pulpit, answering to a growing tide of cyber-breach class action lawsuits based on whether an organization has appropriated “reasonable” cybersecurity measures to protect customer data. Most organizations have little or no protections in place for the voice channel, and voice is rarely included in cybersecurity and risk management programs, policies and security infrastructure.

Visit AITechPark for cutting-edge Tech Trends around AI, ML, Cybersecurity, along with AITech News, and timely updates from industry professionals!

The post The Foundational Best Practices for Voice Cybersecurity: Mutare first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

The Role of CTOs in Integrating the Environmental, Social, and Governance Journey https://ai-techpark.com/the-role-of-ctos-in-esg/ Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:00:00 +0000 https://ai-techpark.com/?p=156660 Discover the ways to integrate a robust ESG program and share your contribution to CSR programs.    Introduction 1. The Relationship Between ESG and the CTO 1.1. Reputational Risk 1.2. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy 1.3. Integrated Risk Management 1.4. Adhering to Regulations 2. Action Plan for the CTO for a Smooth...

The post The Role of CTOs in Integrating the Environmental, Social, and Governance Journey first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

Discover the ways to integrate a robust ESG program and share your contribution to CSR programs.   


1. The Relationship Between ESG and the CTO

1.1. Reputational Risk

1.2. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

1.3. Integrated Risk Management

1.4. Adhering to Regulations

2. Action Plan for the CTO for a Smooth ESG Journey



There has always been a growing concern and realization of the need for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors as a critical component for successful business development across all sectors. From customers to stakeholders, regulators have been insisting companies consider the environmental impact and contribute their share of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs to developing a greener society.

Consequently, with the rising competition, ESG factors have arisen as crucial considerations for IT organizations across the globe.

Therefore, to ignite that constant innovation and sustainability consciousness in a business, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) must come forward to develop a strategic company by uniquely positioning the leverage of numerous technologies that eventually help the company stand out from its competitors.

Today’s exclusive AI Tech Park article aims to highlight the role of the CTO in the ESG journey and how implementing ESG will transform your IT organization. 

1. The Relationship Between ESG and the CTO

The CTOs are the driving force behind the ESG initiative in an IT organization; however, the contribution of employees is equally vital to getting on board for a dignified project. The employees and C-suites need to understand the company’s vision and guide the CTO and IT employees to positively adopt the new ESG practices and prototype sustainability goals that will benefit the overall business. Let’s focus on some of the steps the CTOs can take to adopt their achievable sustainability goals:

1.1. Reputational Risk

The failure to integrate the ESG program into the business model can lead to reputational damage and legal risks for the IT firm. CTOs can clearly define their ESG agenda with the help of a supportive ESG team. Further, CTOs need to ensure that the investors are well aware of the required ESG information to let them participate in strategizing ESG goals rather than depending on third-party agencies. 

1.2. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

ESG encompasses various social aspects, which also include privacy and protection. Therefore, with the digital transformation, businesses need to secure their data and protect themselves from cyber security. Security branching not only loses finances but also customers’ trust and initiates “regulatory penalties. Therefore, CTOs can incorporate ESG principles into their security strategies, which will help your organization form sensitive data protection policies and maintain stakeholder confidence. 

1.3. Integrated Risk Management

Risk management and mitigation are the key drivers for embedding sustainability and ESG models. The CTO should adopt risk management approaches that consider ESG factors and traditional security risks. CTOs can further develop a dedicated team for ESG risk management that can help identify and assess the impact of ESG security operations and develop a comprehensive understanding of potential opportunities and vulnerabilities. 

1.4. Adhering to Regulations

ESG has become increasingly embedded in the regulations and policies across the IT service landscape as firms ensure compliance with key standards and regulations. It was often observed that adhering to these regulations could lead to missing out on litigation for non-compliance. Companies across the globe need to adhere to ESG regulations such as TCFD, SFDR, SDR, EU Taxonomy, and CSRD; therefore, CTOs need to implement an agile system to develop and create ESG programs keeping in mind these policies and regulations. 

2. Action Plan for the CTO for a Smooth ESG Journey 

Technology has become a vital instrument for embedding ESG into business and combating the key ESG-related challenges, where the CTO plays an essential role in playing the role of a facilitator. Apart from overseeing the current technology and creating relevant technology policies, the CTOs have become a center of network business and a knowledge center to accelerate ESG in IT organizations through processes and adhering to regulations. 

The table below is an action plan for the CTO to successfully implement the ESG program: 

ESG Activity Understanding the Subject Challenges that CTOs can FaceSuggestions for CTOs
Analyzing Data and ReportingOrganizations that are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and comply with regulations need to understand how accurate data can mitigate ESG risks, and the proper facilitation of ESG reporting ensures compliance across all elements of ESG. The CTO might need to mitigate against greenwashing risks by obtaining accurate and reliable internal data for ESG reporting and disclosures that will help in sustainable supply chain management. The increasing accessibility of data can be an issue for providing data analytics and insights for C-suites.Developing or sourcing technology based on systems can assist you in identifying and collating ESG-related data. CTOs can implement controls and systems in the procurement process, ensuring that relevant data can be easily reported and disclosed. Ensuring the correct information is available to the right team at the right time helps CTOs accurately make quick decisions.
Developing ESG Regulations and Frameworks The initial step in developing ESG is adhering to regulations such as climate-related risks, opportunities in managing investments, product-level reporting obligations, and developing KPIs to reduce carbon emissions, carbon footprints, and intensity. Therefore, CTOs must verify data and ensure the progress of the ESG with transparency and standardization.When developing an ESG framework, the CTO might get confused with the regulations and frameworks that require them to comply. An IT firm needs to maintain the ability to respond both rapidly and consistently in the ever-evolving market, client, and regulatory space, particularly in this rising conflicting objective of data breach.CTOs can implement technological tools and solutions to assist with the regulations that will scan and scope to rescue the challenging process on internal resources, develop an action plan, and enhance the additional requirements of on-spot changes.
Successful Design and Deployment of the FrameworkThe successful design and deployment of technology have transformed the effectiveness of an ESG project as it aims to create transparency for clients and stakeholders. IT organizations that have successfully implemented ESG risks, expectations, and obligations have witnessed data quality and acceleration in emissions reduction and carbon footprint. Implementing new technology is critical to accelerating the ESG transformation journey; however, facilitating and coordinating with new technologies can be challenging as it takes time to adjust to the business’s and employees’ mindsets. Developing fit-for-purpose strategies and frameworks can be challenging, as C-suites and CTOs need to support each other while implementing successful IT practices to achieve net-zero technology.To make sure that the ESG framework is implemented properly, the CTO must understand the new technologies and design the framework according to their convenience as a business opportunity. Implementing green IT operations in IT businesses helps minimize the negative impact of IT operations on the environment. Further, CTOs can conduct an assessment of the current tools and technologies and create a future-proof plan of action to overcome any gaps.


As we move into a digitized business landscape, the incorporation of ESG has become an essential component of profitable business. The technologies implemented can be leveraged as a form of an ESG enhancement strategy with data and insights. CTOs and IT professionals also need to address ESG issues and integrate a modern approach that aligns security practices with business objectives.

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The post The Role of CTOs in Integrating the Environmental, Social, and Governance Journey first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

The Value of the Chief Data Officer in the Data Governance Framework https://ai-techpark.com/chief-data-officer-in-data-governance/ Mon, 26 Feb 2024 07:00:00 +0000 https://ai-techpark.com/?p=156200 Discover the role of the chief data officer in developing a data governance framework. Introduction 1. The Rise of the Chief Data Officer (CDO) 2. The Four Principles of Data Governance Frameworks 2.1. Developing Data Quality Standards 2.2. Data Integration 2.3. Data Privacy and Security 2.4. Data Architecture 3. Empowering...

The post The Value of the Chief Data Officer in the Data Governance Framework first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

Discover the role of the chief data officer in developing a data governance framework.


1. The Rise of the Chief Data Officer (CDO)

2. The Four Principles of Data Governance Frameworks

2.1. Developing Data Quality Standards

2.2. Data Integration

2.3. Data Privacy and Security

2.4. Data Architecture

3. Empowering C-suites by Collaborating



In a highly regulated business environment, it is a challenging task for IT organizations to manage data-related risks and compliance issues. Despite investing in the data value chain, C-suites often do not recognize the value of a robust data governance framework, eventually leading to a lack of data governance in organizations.

Therefore, a well-defined data governance framework is needed to help in risk management and ensure that the organization can fulfill the demands of compliance with regulations, along with the state and legal requirements on data management

To create a well-designed data governance framework, an IT organization needs a governance team that includes the Chief Data Officer (CDO), the data management team, and other IT executives. Together, they work to create policies and standards for governance, implementing, and enforcing the data governance framework in their organization.

However, to keep pace with this digital transformation, this article can be an ideal one-stop shop for CDOs, as they can follow these four principles for creating a valued data governance framework and grasp the future of data governance frameworks.

1. The Rise of the Chief Data Officer (CDO)

Data has become an invaluable asset; therefore, organizations need a C-level executive to set the company’s wide data strategy to remain competitive.

In this regard, the responsibility and role of the chief data officers (CDOs) were established in 2002. However, it has grown remarkably in recent years, and organizations are still trying to figure out the best integration of this position into the existing structure.

A CDO is responsible for managing an organization’s data strategy by ensuring data quality and driving business processes through data analytics and governance; furthermore, they are responsible for data repositories, pipelines, and tools related to data privacy and security to make sure that the data governance framework is implemented properly.

2. The Four Principles of Data Governance Frameworks

The foundation of a robust data governance framework stands on four essential principles that help CDOs deeply understand the effectiveness of data management and the use of data across different departments in the organization. These principles are pillars that ensure that the data is accurate, protected, and can be used in compliance with regulations and laws. 

2.1. Developing Data Quality Standards

Data quality is one of the crucial principles of any data governance framework, which ensures that the data is used to make accurate, consistent, and reliable decisions. Therefore, for good data quality standards, CDOs have to make sure that the data fed into the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems is relevant and bias-free.

2.2. Data Integration 

Data integration involves combining data from different sources to provide a unified view. It ensures that the data is utilized by various departments, business units, or external stakeholders so that they can analyze the data and make accurate decisions. Further, the CDO must manage and ensure full ownership of the data until it is integrated into AI and ML software.  

2.3. Data Privacy and Security

In this digital age, the most essential principle that CDOs must implement in their data governance framework is data privacy and security, as it involves the policies and procedures to protect the organization’s sensitive data, and IT executives and employees need to comply with data protection regulations and laws. 

2.4. Data Architecture

The fourth pillar of data governance that CDOs must follow is data architecture. This principle involves planning, designing, and structuring data systems that meet their organizational needs, such as creating a strong database, secure and easily accessible data warehouses, and properly assembled data lakes.

3. Empowering C-suites by Collaborating

One way to reduce the pressures faced by C-suites and create a data-driven organization is for the CDOs to collaborate with other C-suites. 

For instance, traditionally, data systems were supervised by Chief Technology Officers (CTOs); however, as the role of data evolves and IT organizations adopt data-driven technologies, the role of the CDO is equally important to maximizing the value of data and helping companies use data as an asset across business functions. 

This shift in roles and responsibilities is quite visible with the evolution of web analytics, as earlier, web analytics was considered a technical domain and was supervised by CTOs. However, the scenarios have changed in recent years as businesses have understood the importance of web analytics as it helps Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) create robust marketing strategies. Similarly, the CDOs develop a technological framework that supports data analytics, data value extraction, and data governance to create a robust data governance framework and data strategies that help in building a robust data ecosystem in the organization. 


With the evolving nature of AI and ML technologies and data, the CDOs and other C-suite leaders must ensure that they develop agile and scalable data strategies that could adapt the new tools and trends to scale up their organizational growth.

C-suites should accept the changes and train themselves through external entities, such as academic institutions, technology vendors, and consulting firms, which will aid them in bringing new perspectives and specialized knowledge while developing a data governance framework.

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The post The Value of the Chief Data Officer in the Data Governance Framework first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

AITech Interview with Chris Conant, Chief Executive Officer at Zennify https://ai-techpark.com/aitech-interview-with-chris-conant-ceo-at-zennify/ Tue, 20 Feb 2024 13:30:00 +0000 https://ai-techpark.com/?p=155382 Learn why AI is essential for financial institutions’ future success and how Zennify is leading the way in AI-driven consulting. Introduction: Chris, could you start by introducing yourself and your role at Zennify and sharing a little about your background in the finance and technology sectors? I joined Zennify in...

The post AITech Interview with Chris Conant, Chief Executive Officer at Zennify first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

Learn why AI is essential for financial institutions’ future success and how Zennify is leading the way in AI-driven consulting.


Chris, could you start by introducing yourself and your role at Zennify and sharing a little about your background in the finance and technology sectors?

I joined Zennify in April 2023 as Chief Executive Officer. I’m a customer success and IT services veteran with over 15 years of experience in the Salesforce ecosystem and 30 years in technology.

Most recently, I was the Senior Vice President of Customer Success at Salesforce. I led the North American Success team responsible for ensuring the retention and growth of the $15B customer base. Before that, I was the COO of Model Metrics (acquired by Salesforce in 2011) and was a board advisor to Silverline and 7Summits, services firms within the Salesforce ecosystem. I was privileged to advise them on scaling and company growth. 

We have a fantastic opportunity at Zennify to push boundaries and change the way consulting is done, using AI and tools to accelerate implementations and customer time to value. We strive to be the top boutique Salesforce and nCino consultancy for financial services firms. I’m proud to be here at Zennify and to continue upholding our reputation as one of the go-to partners for financial institutions that want to see accelerated outcomes.

Why financial institutions should ban AI at their own risk:

Chris, you’ve raised the idea that financial institutions should not ban AI at their own risk. Could you elaborate on why you believe AI is crucial for the financial sector’s future and what potential risks they face by not embracing it?

AI has and will continue to impact the breadth, depth, and quality of products and services offered by financial institutions. There are multiple use cases for AI – and a lot of them focus on increased efficiencies. For example, teams can use AI to better predict and assess loan risks, improve fraud detection, provide better and faster customer support through smarter personalization, and analyze data in unstructured ways – all while reducing costs. These are use cases that would have typically taken more time and have more room for errors. Understanding and implementing AI thoughtfully leads to sustainable business growth and staying ahead of your competitors.

We’ve heard that a lot of financial institutions are concerned with data security, which is one of the primary reasons for considering banning AI tools such as Chat GPT. We believe that organizations can solve this security challenge by working with providers like Zennify and Salesforce, who understand how to build strong data foundations, understand the current landscape, and can provide recommendations on whether to build your own models versus bringing in open market options. 

When discussing the risks of not adopting AI, some argue that it could lead to a competitive disadvantage. Could you share your thoughts on this perspective and its implications for financial institutions?

We see two major risks. Financially, higher interest rates and slowing growth have pressured costs and margins. Leading FI’s are utilizing AI to drive back office efficiencies that will improve their competitiveness in the marketplace, those who fail to adopt will have to absorb the burden of higher cost structures. 

Second, consumers are increasingly interacting with AI-driven fintechs where the user experience is seamless and efficient. Given increasing consumer experience expectations, those who do not tap into and incorporate AI risk losing customers. We saw this happen with deposits as consumers fled from traditional banks to fintechs where they could open high-yielding deposit accounts within minutes. 

Due to AI, the four-day workweek might be more realistic than you think:

The idea of a four-day workweek becoming more realistic due to AI is intriguing. Could you explain how AI technologies might contribute to this shift and what benefits they could bring to both employees and employers in the financial sector?

The concept of a four-day workweek enabled by AI is gaining attention due to the potential for increased efficiency, productivity, and automation in various industries. We’re talking about the automation of repetitive tasks, enhanced data analysis and insights, customer service improvements, and remote work facilitation – use cases that increase employee productivity, improve customer experience and lead to better work-life integration and balance. 

This improved work-life integration and balance frees employees from routine tasks, and opens up time for them to skill up and invest in professional development opportunities – as well as spend more time with their families and giving back to the community. Within the financial sector, institutions view deep customer relationships as a primary differentiator, and AI is going to give employees time back to focus on their customers and the local community. 

From your experience, can you provide examples or case studies where AI has led to increased productivity or more efficient work schedules in financial organizations? 

At Zennify, we use our in-house LLM called Arti – our internal ChatGPT to help with content creation and internal content discovery. This has increased productivity for our marketing team when creating assets like blog posts, and we’ve optimized our onboarding process by making it easier for new team members to find information. We’re excited to bring these use cases to our customers and have done so with our AI advisory and experimentation solutions. 

We are seeing significant productivity gains in back-office operations, specifically for use cases that currently require repetitive labor-intensive tasks with complex compliance-driven workflows. Examples of this include business loan documentation and financial wealth advisory plans. FIs are utilizing AI and data-rich large language models to reduce the amount of work and time it takes to generate documentation and streamline the process workflows. 

Digital agility in banks: best practices from customer deployments

Digital agility is a vital aspect of staying competitive in the finance sector. Could you share some best practices or success stories from customer deployments that highlight the importance of digital agility in banks?

One of our clients in the agtech lending space went through a digital transformation journey to impact their lending process. They leveraged Zennify’s expertise in the ecosystem and saw a 2000% increase in revenue, improvements in the customer & employee experience, and ROI on their tech investments.

They shared with us the following best practices: Getting internal commitment from stakeholders, be open to asking for help, and start with a clean slate. 

Challenges in implementing AI in financial institutions:

Implementing AI in traditional financial institutions can be challenging. What are the main hurdles you see when it comes to adopting AI technologies in these organizations?

Here are some of the main hurdles I see: 

  • Legacy systems & infrastructure were not designed to accommodate modern AI technologies. Integrating AI into existing infrastructure can be complex and may require significant investments in system upgrades and compatibility enhancements. 
  • Data quality and accessibility. Good AI needs a strong data foundation: high quality, diverse, accessible, well-structured. Data is usually siloed, and has inconsistent formats. The lack of standardized data governance can hinder the training and performance of AI algorithms
  • The financial services industry is highly regulated and AI is an ever-evolving field, so ensuring compliance with data protection, privacy, and financial regulations can be complex.
  • Risk management & explainability: You need transparency and explainability in AI systems.
  • Talent and skills gap. Deploying and developing AI systems requires expertise that may not be easily available
  • Change management – as with any transformation journey, change management is crucial to align all stakeholders in the organization. This helps mitigate or address issues such as ROI concerns.

Innovation and best practices:

Chris, personally, what strategies have you found most effective in leading Zennify and helping financial institutions navigate the evolving landscape of AI and digital agility?

As with any digital transformation journey – especially with AI – all stakeholders and decision-makers need to lead by example. Leaders need to champion internal efforts to adopt AI and show that they are utilizing these tools and/or strategies. I leverage several GenAI tools daily and highlight the impact they have made on my productivity, encouraging others to follow suit. 

It’s also imperative to facilitate an environment of innovation and experimentation. Encourage building internal use cases or experiments so that all teams across the organization can be part of this journey.

In the context of innovation and digital transformation, what trends or developments are you personally excited about and believe will have a significant impact on the industry?

All innovation and digital transformation need to result in a positive customer and business outcome, so I’m excited about these developments as they can create exponential revenue growth and meet customers where they are:

  • AI-driven personalization helps enhance customer experiences, which can lead to more tailored investment options and banking solutions for individuals 
  • Open banking initiatives and APIs can foster collaboration between financial institutions and third-party service providers – enabling the development of more innovative financial products and services. 
  • Regulatory technology (regtech) is using AI and automation to streamline compliance processes, reducing costs and errors in adherence to complex financial regulations.

These trends are revolutionizing the financial industry by improving efficiency, enhancing security, and providing innovative services to customers. They’re shaping a more inclusive, tech-driven, and dynamic financial landscape that has the potential to reach a broader spectrum of individuals and businesses.

Final thoughts:

Could you share your personal vision for the future of AI in the financial sector and how it might reshape the industry in the coming years?

I haven’t mentioned ethical AI implementation, which I believe is crucial in the sustainable future of AI in the industry. There will be a growing focus on ethical AI implementation, and recognizing bias considerations to ensure transparency, accountability, and fairness in the algorithms and decision-making process. I also believe that AI will augment human decision-making capabilities. Good data foundations lead to useful AI outputs that provide comprehensive data analysis and insights – enabling quicker, more informed decision-making in investments, risk management, and customer service. Overall, the future of AI in the financial sector will revolutionize how financial services are delivered, making them more personalized, efficient, secure, and accessible. It will transform the industry into a more customer-centric, technologically advanced, and inclusive landscape.

Chris Conant

Chief Executive Officer at Zennify

Chris Conant, CEO of Zennify, is a seasoned technology services executive with more than 15 years in the Salesforce ecosystem. He believes that with strong teams and customers willing to embrace change, anything is possible.

The post AITech Interview with Chris Conant, Chief Executive Officer at Zennify first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

Successful Third Party Risk Management Strategies In Defending Against Cyber Threats https://ai-techpark.com/third-party-risk-management-strategies-against-cyber-threats/ Thu, 25 Jan 2024 12:30:00 +0000 https://ai-techpark.com/?p=152478 Gain control of third-party connections by establishing a central repository to track and document access to systems and data. In today’s interconnected business environment, companies regularly rely on third parties for critical business functions like supply chain, IT services, and more. While these relationships can provide efficiency and expertise, they...

The post Successful Third Party Risk Management Strategies In Defending Against Cyber Threats first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

Gain control of third-party connections by establishing a central repository to track and document access to systems and data.

In today’s interconnected business environment, companies regularly rely on third parties for critical business functions like supply chain, IT services, and more. While these relationships can provide efficiency and expertise, they also introduce new cybersecurity risks that must be managed. More than 53% of businesses worldwide have suffered at least one cyber attack in the past 12 months and one in five firms attacked said it was enough to threaten the viability of the business. Recent high-profile breaches like the SolarWinds attack have highlighted the dangers of supply chain compromises. Implementing a comprehensive third party risk management program is essential for security. In this post, we’ll explore key strategies and best practices organizations can use to defend against cyber threats from third party relationships.

Know Your Third Parties and Their Access

The first step is gaining visibility into all of your third party connections. Develop a central repository to track all vendor, supplier, and partner relationships. Document what access each third party has to your systems and data. Identify third parties that have privileged access or handle sensitive data. Prioritize higher risk relationships for additional security review. Maintain an inventory of all third party links so you know who needs to be secured. It has been predicted that in 2024 advancements in AI will fuel a surge in cybercrimes. In addition to text generation, cybercriminals will now have text-to-video or other multi-media creation tools to further their nefarious designs.

Perform Thorough Due Diligence on New Vendors 

When bringing on a new third party, conduct in-depth due diligence into their cybersecurity posture. Send third parties a standardized questionnaire covering their security policies, controls, incident response plans, and more. Require them to provide documentation like audits and certifications. Review their physical and application security, encryption methods, employee screening, and other defense capabilities. Conduct interviews with their security staff and leadership. The goal is to confirm the third party takes security as seriously as your organization before establishing connectivity.

Include Security in Contracts and Agreements

Your contracts and agreements with third parties provide leverage for requiring strong security. Include provisions that make them contractually obligated to maintain specific security standards, controls, and practices. Define their responsibilities for security monitoring, vulnerability management, and breach notification. Institute the right to audit their security measures. Specify your security requirements in detail so expectations are clear. Update legacy contracts to reflect modern cyber threats. Enforce security requirements by making them a condition of ongoing business.

Limit Access and Segment Third Parties

Once a third party relationship is established, limit their access to only what is required for their role. Segment them into their own virtual network or cloud environment isolated from your core infrastructure. Implement the principle of least privilege access for their credentials. Disable unnecessary ports, protocols, and services. Lock down pathways between your network and the third party. The goal is to reduce their potential impact and restrict lateral movement if compromised. 

Continuously Monitor for Threats

Monitor third party networks vigilantly for signs of compromise. Deploy tools like intrusion detection systems that generate alerts for anomalous behavior. Monitor for unusual data transfers, unauthorized changes, malware, and other IOCs. Conduct vulnerability scans and penetration testing against your third parties’ environments. Audit their logs and security events for issues impacting your security posture. The goal is early detection that can limit damage from a third party breach.

Practice Incident Response Plans

Even rigorous security can still experience incidents. Develop plans for quickly responding to a breach impacting a third party. Define escalation protocols and response team roles. Maintain contacts for your third parties’ security staff. Institute plans for containment, eradication, and recovery activities to limit the impact on your organization. Practice responding to mock third party breach scenarios to smooth out the process. Effective incident response can significantly reduce the damage from real world attacks.

Foster Strong Relationships with Third Parties

While security requirements and controls are critical, also focus on building strong relationships with your vendors, suppliers, and partners. Collaborate to improve security on both sides. Offer guidance and training to enhance their practices and controls. Recognize those who exceed expectations. Build rapport at the executive level so security is taken seriously. Cybersecurity does not have to be adversarial – work together to protect against shared threats.

Evaluate and Evolve Your Program Continuously

Your third party risk management program needs to evolve as both threats and your business relationships change over time. Regularly reassess your existing third party connections, pay attention to emerging cyber threats, and adjust your program accordingly. Conduct annual audits of vendors and partners to confirm continued compliance. Monitor industry news on cyber incidents and supply chain attacks to identify new vectors. Update policies, contracts, tools, and processes to address emerging vulnerabilities. Consider regular cybersecurity tabletop exercises with third parties. A static third party risk program will become outdated rapidly. Build in agility to continuously evaluate and strengthen defenses in response to a changing technology and threat landscape.


Third party risk management is essential in modern interconnected business ecosystems. Businesses can no longer rely solely on their own security – all external connections must be assessed and managed. Implementing continuous due diligence, least privilege access, monitoring, detection, and incident response plans can help limit your exposure. Strong relationships and contractual security obligations enable partnership. With robust third party cyber risk management, organizations can confidently leverage external connections while defending against growing threats.

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The post Successful Third Party Risk Management Strategies In Defending Against Cyber Threats first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

Buying Advice to Tackle AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management https://ai-techpark.com/tackling-ai-trism-in-ai-models/ Thu, 18 Jan 2024 13:00:00 +0000 https://ai-techpark.com/?p=151521 Stay a step ahead with AI TRiSM solutions to proactively identify and mitigate the risks of AI models. Introduction 1. Four Reasons CISOs Need to Build an AI Trism Framework Into AI Models 1.1. Explain to Managers the Use of AI Models 1.2. Anyone Can Access Generative AI Tools 1.3....

The post Buying Advice to Tackle AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

Stay a step ahead with AI TRiSM solutions to proactively identify and mitigate the risks of AI models.

  • 1. Four Reasons CISOs Need to Build an AI Trism Framework Into AI Models
  • 1.1. Explain to Managers the Use of AI Models
  • 1.2. Anyone Can Access Generative AI Tools
  • 1.3. AI Models Require Constant Monitoring
  • 1.4. Detecting Malware Through AI Models
  • 2. Five Steps on How C-suite Can Promote Trustworthy AI in Their Organization
  • 2.1. Defining AI Trust Across Different Departments
  • 2.2. Ensure a Collaborative Leadership Mindset
  • 2.3. Continuous Learning About the Risks and Opportunities
  • 2.4. Communicate to Build AI Trust in the Organization
  • 2.5. Measure the Value of AI Trust
  • 3. Real-world AI Examples for TRiSM Users
  • 4. The Future of AI TRiSM Frameworks
  • Conclusion


    In this technologically dominated era, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has become a trend in numerous industries across the globe. With this development of technology, AI brings potential risks like malicious attacks, data leakage, and tampering.

    Thus, companies are going beyond traditional security measures and developing technology to secure AI applications and services and ensure they are ethical and secure. This revolutionary discipline and framework is known as AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management (AI TRiSM), which makes AI models reliable, trustworthy, private, and secure.

    In this article, we will explore how chief information security officers (CISOs) can strategize an AI-TRiSM environment in the workplace.

    1. Four Reasons CISOs Need to Build an AI Trism Framework Into AI Models  

    Generative AI (GenAI) has sparked an interest in AI pilots, but organizations often don’t consider the risk until the AI applications or models are ready to use. So,a comprehensive AI trust, risk, and security management program that helps CISOs integrate governance upfront and robust proactive measures to ensure AI systems protect data privacy, compliance, fairness, and reliability.

    Here are four reasons CISOs need to build an AI TRiSM framework while creating AI models:

    1.1. Explain to Managers the Use of AI Models

    CISOs should not explain the terminology of AI; rather, they should be specific about how the model works, its strengths and weaknesses, and potential biases..

    With numerous application areas in businesses, AI enables good managers to be great by improving employees and customer relations by analyzing and automating the repetitive tasks of data collection and training.

    1.2. Anyone Can Access Generative AI Tools

    GenAI has the potential to transform your business at a competitive level, but this opportunity also opens doors for new risks that cannot be addressed with traditional controls.

    The implementation of the AI TRiSM framework on generative AI establishes a robust technological foundation, fostering a culture of responsibility and comprehensive policies that help you and your team responsibly and ethically deploy AI technologies.

    1.3. AI Models Require Constant Monitoring

    Specialized risk management processes can be integrated into AI models to keep AI compliant, fair, and ethical. Further, software developers can build custom solutions for the AI pipeline.

    CISOs must also control the whole process of building an AI model, for example, model and application development, testing and deployment, and ongoing operations.

    1.4. Detecting Malware Through AI Models

    Malicious AI attacks cause losses and injury to organizations, including those involving money, people, sensitive information, reputation, and associated intellectual property.

    However, such accidents may be avoided by implementing certain procedures and controls, as well as by enhancing and testing a strong workflow of AI models outside of the apps.

    After knowing the main reason why CISOs should include the AI TRiSM framework, let’s understand the steps for implementing the AI TRiSM framework in the organization.

    2. Five Steps on How C-suite Can Promote Trustworthy AI in Their Organization  

    The emergence of new technologies is likely to drive more potential risks; however, with the help of these five essential steps, CISOs and their teams can promote AI TRiSM solutions: 

    2.1. Defining AI Trust Across Different Departments

    At its core, AI trust is the confidence that employees and other stakeholders have in a company that governs its digital assets. AI trust is driven by data accessibility, transparency, reliability, security, privacy, control, ethics, and responsibility. A CISO’s role is to educate employees on the concept of AI trust and how it is established inside a company, which differs depending on the industry and stakeholders.  

    Develop an AI trust framework that helps achieve your organization’s strategic goals, such as improving customer connections, maximizing operational excellence, and empowering business processes that are essential to your value proposition. Once built, implement methods for measuring and improving your AI trust performance over time.

    2.2. Ensure a Collaborative Leadership Mindset

    As IT organizations rely on technology for back-office operations and customer-facing applications, IT leaders face the challenge of balancing business and technical risks, potentially leading to prioritizing one over the other.

    CISOs and IT experts should evaluate the data risks and vulnerabilities that may exist in various business processes, such as finance, procurement, employee benefits, marketing, and other operations. For example, marketing and cybersecurity professionals might collaborate to determine what consumer data can be safely extracted, how it can be safeguarded, and how to communicate with customers accordingly. 

    As a CISO, you can adopt a federated model of accountability for AI trust that unites the C-suite around the common objective of seamless operation without hampering customers’ and organizations’ data.  

    2.3. Continuous Learning About the Risks and Opportunities

    At the end of the day, education and knowledge are critical to maintaining AI trust; therefore, C-suite executives should stay close to technical breakthroughs, understand their ramifications, and successfully lead and manage innovation and adoption while mitigating risks.

    CISOs may inculcate trust as an evaluation criterion for new technology adoptions. Working closely with the company’s technology executives can also assist in identifying areas where AI trust can be built or undermined. This integrates trust-forward concepts into technology adoption experiences from the very beginning.

    2.4. Communicate to Build AI Trust in the Organization

    Understanding the best strategy to build AI trust is not enough. CISOs should also play an active role in instilling the value of AI trust in organizational culture through words and deeds. Furthermore, explain to stakeholders that the company is dedicated to preserving AI trust and investing in the capabilities required to promote AI TRiSM.

    Implement AI TRiSM strategies, procedures, and processes to maintain AI trust and promote the deployment of trust-enabling technology. As these approaches are implemented, consider adding security safeguards such as segmentation of networks and zero-trust guidelines, secure landing zones, and DevSecOps theories.

    CISOs should motivate everyone in the company to commit to maintaining AI trust by allowing employees to raise questions about AI TRiSM and increasing organizational transparency.

    2.5. Measure the Value of AI Trust 

    Trust assessment options range from basic surveys to comprehensive trust measurement platforms, making them more practical and consistent. By deploying these tools, the CISO may track stakeholder trust over time.

    Furthermore, when allocating funds for trust-enabling technology, include advantages like customer loyalty and organizational resilience in AI trust formulas.

    Now that we have covered the steps of implementing AI TRISM in organizations, let’s take a look at a notable success story where AI TRISM was implemented successfully.

    3. Real-world AI Examples for TRiSM Users

    Ethical AI Models at the Danish Business Authority (DBA)

    The Danish Business Authority acknowledged the need for fairness, openness, and responsibility in AI models. To comply with high-level ethical requirements, DBA took concrete steps, among them conducting frequent fairness tests on model predictions and establishing a comprehensive monitoring structure. This technique drove the deployment of 16 AI models that monitored financial transactions worth billions of euros. The Danish Business Authority not only ensured ethical AI but also increased confidence among consumers and stakeholders, demonstrating the effectiveness of AI TRiSM in connecting technology with ethical ideals.

    4. The Future of AI TRiSM Frameworks

    As technology advances, AI will be able to become more sophisticated, predictive, and integrated across multiple industrial domains, making the future of AI TRiSM appear very bright.

    AI TRISM encourages organizations to be open about their AI governance procedures, ensuring that consumers and stakeholders understand the decision-making processes that underpin AI algorithms. This degree of openness generates a sense of trust and helps people confidently accept AI technology.

    Organizations should expect increasingly complex AI models in the future, providing deeper insights and more precise risk assessments. Thus, CISOs should invest in research and development to advance AI TRiSM methodologies, tools, and practices. 


    In conclusion, as businesses grapple with growing datasets and complicated regulatory environments, AI emerges as a powerful tool for overcoming these issues, ensuring efficiency and dependability in risk management and compliance. AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management (AI TRiSM) may assist businesses in protecting their AI applications and services from possible threats while ensuring they are utilized responsibly and compliantly.

    AI TRiSM is simply too crucial to be considered incidental to the organization’s fundamental objective. CISOs will most likely either see this fundamental fact and act appropriately or learn from those that do.

    Visit AITechPark for cutting-edge Tech Trends around AI, ML, Cybersecurity, along with AITech News, and timely updates from industry professionals!


    The post Buying Advice to Tackle AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

    Revolutionizing BFSI with RPA and AI: A Solution-Based Approach https://ai-techpark.com/bsfi-rpa-and-ai/ Wed, 13 Sep 2023 13:00:00 +0000 https://ai-techpark.com/?p=137709 From automation to intelligence: learn how RPA and AI are redefining BFSI. This article provides a broad look at a solution-based approach. Table of Contents: Introduction  Navigating Contemporary Challenges in BFSI Potential of RPA and AI in BFSI: Solutions for Post-Implementation Challenges Why Adopt RPA and AI Together? Empowering and...

    The post Revolutionizing BFSI with RPA and AI: A Solution-Based Approach first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

    From automation to intelligence: learn how RPA and AI are redefining BFSI. This article provides a broad look at a solution-based approach.

    Table of Contents:

    1. Introduction 
    2. Navigating Contemporary Challenges in BFSI
    3. Potential of RPA and AI in BFSI:
    4. Solutions for Post-Implementation Challenges
    5. Why Adopt RPA and AI Together?
    6. Empowering and Elevating RPA and AI in BFSI
    7. Maximizing Impact: The Synergy of RPA and AI
    8. Conclusion: The Road Ahead


    In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) sector is at the forefront of digital transformation. To succeed in this dynamic environment, industry leaders, executives, and decision-makers must not only recognize the challenges but also harness the opportunities presented by technology. This article is a comprehensive exploration of how Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) provide strategic solutions to address these challenges, foster innovation, and drive growth within the BFSI sector.

    Before delving into their applications, let’s establish a clear understanding of RPA and AI. RPA utilizes software robots to automate repetitive tasks, while AI leverages machine learning and data analytics to replicate human intelligence. In BFSI, these technologies have the potential to reshape the way business is conducted.

    2. Navigating Contemporary Challenges in BFSI

    Before embarking on the journey of RPA and AI implementation, it’s crucial to acknowledge the pre-implementation challenges. Data security and regulatory compliance are critical in the financial services industry. Protecting sensitive customer data while adhering to strict industry regulations presents a complex puzzle. Furthermore, upskilling the workforce to adapt to these transformative technologies is a challenge that cannot be underestimated by CFOs, COOs, and industry professionals.

    3. Potential of RPA and AI in BFSI:

    RPA holds the power to streamline BFSI operations by automating laborious tasks such as data entry, transaction processing, and report generation. This not only reduces errors but also significantly improves operational efficiency. In parallel, AI ushers in a new era of data-driven decision-making within the sector. AI can predict market trends, detect fraudulent activities in real-time, and offer highly personalized product recommendations to customers. These capabilities lead to better customer experiences and more informed strategic decisions.

    4. Solutions for Post-Implementation Challenges:

    BFSI is an industry where every decision counts, embracing technology has become synonymous with staying competitive and relevant. As seasoned COOs, CFOs, banking professionals, and industry leaders, it is important to understand that the transformative power of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can’t be ignored. While the potential of RPA and AI in BFSI is clear, the path to realizing these benefits can be laden with challenges. In this context, we present a strategic roadmap, tailored to your discerning vision, to address solutions to post-implementation challenges.

    Data Security Measures:

    • Encryption: Implement strong encryption protocols to safeguard data both in transit and at rest.
    • Access Controls: Enforce strict access controls, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access sensitive information.
    • Regular Audits: Conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities and address them promptly.

    Regulatory Compliance:

    • Dedicated Compliance Teams: Appoint teams responsible for monitoring and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.
    • Compliance Audits: Conduct regular audits to verify adherence to regulatory requirements.
    • Compliance Software: Utilize specialized compliance software to automate and streamline compliance processes.

    Workforce Upskilling:

    • Training Programs: Invest in comprehensive training programs for employees, focusing on both RPA and AI.
    • Continuous Learning: Promote a culture of continuous learning and innovation within the organization.
    • Skill Assessment: Regularly assess employee skill levels and provide targeted training as needed.

    Safeguarding the power of RPA and AI in BFSI requires proactive steps. Strong data security, dedicated compliance teams, and continuous workforce upskilling are our shields in this digital frontier.

    5. Why Adopt RPA and AI Together?

    RPA and AI are a symbiotic relationship, as RPA automates structured processes and AI handles unstructured data and complex decision-making. By combining RPA’s efficiency with AI’s cognitive capabilities, BFSI institutions can streamline operations and make intelligent, data-driven decisions. This results in cost reduction, enhanced customer experience, improved compliance, faster decision-making, and scalability. RPA ensures adherence to regulatory requirements, while AI enables real-time data analysis, facilitating quicker and more informed decisions. BFSI institutions can seamlessly scale RPA and AI solutions to meet growing demands and overcome the challenges of data compliance and regulations. 

    6. Empowering and Elevating RPA and AI in BFSI

    In top 30 U.S. banks, adaptation of RPA resulted in reduced errors and $1M annual cost savings, according to AIMultiple.Considering the application of AI-powered chatbots, offering instant, round-the-clock responses to customer inquiries. Banking chatbots ensure customers receive assistance whenever they need it, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Furthermore, BFSI institutions are increasingly focusing on mobile and device friendliness, ensuring seamless customer experiences across various devices, thereby elevating the customer journey.

    7. Maximizing Impact: The Synergy of RPA and AI

    The true magic unfolds when RPA and AI work in harmony. RPA’s proficiency in automating structured tasks complements AI’s capabilities in handling unstructured data and complex decision-making. This synergy allows for comprehensive automation and intelligent decision support. Applications such as chatbots and virtual assistants leverage this synergy to provide real-time customer support and personalized experiences, thereby maximizing the impact of RPA and AI. One of the leading examples in this domain is IBM Robotic Process Automation, which offers many businesses in IT as well as other industries the ease and speed of their software tools to help them complete tasks and achieve digital transformation. 

    Conclusion: The Road Ahead

    Looking ahead, the BFSI sector is poised for further transformation. Future trends include advanced AI applications for predictive analytics, enhanced risk management, and the emergence of autonomous financial advisors. Moreover, the integration of blockchain and distributed ledger technology promises enhanced security, transparency, and trust, setting the stage for BFSI’s continued evolution.

    RPA and AI are not just technological innovations, they are strategic imperatives for BFSI executives, COOs, CFOs, and industry leaders. These technologies offer a pathway to a more efficient, customer-centric, and agile future. By adopting RPA and AI as essential tools, BFSI institutions can position themselves for long-term success, continued innovation, and sustainable growth. The revolutionizing potential of RPA and AI in BFSI is not merely an option; it is a necessity.

    Visit AITechPark for cutting-edge Tech Trends around AI, ML, Cybersecurity, along with AITech News, and timely updates from industry professionals!

    The post Revolutionizing BFSI with RPA and AI: A Solution-Based Approach first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

    XAI Adoption Strategies for High-Risk Industries https://ai-techpark.com/xai-adoption-strategies-for-high-risk-industries/ Thu, 17 Aug 2023 13:00:00 +0000 https://ai-techpark.com/?p=133412 Uncover how XAI revolutionizes high-risk industries bridging AI’s complexity with human comprehension. In the realm of XAI technology, the paradigm of bridging the gap between human understanding and the extreme complexity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has introduced explainability in AI, a.k.a. XAI, which is certainly a revolutionary approach that unveils...

    The post XAI Adoption Strategies for High-Risk Industries first appeared on AI-Tech Park.

    Uncover how XAI revolutionizes high-risk industries bridging AI’s complexity with human comprehension.

    In the realm of XAI technology, the paradigm of bridging the gap between human understanding and the extreme complexity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has introduced explainability in AI, a.k.a. XAI, which is certainly a revolutionary approach that unveils XAI methodologies such as deep learning, decision-making, demystifying safety-critical systems, regulatory compliance, and risk management for human understanding. Such a trajectory of disconcerting eventuality emerges when there is a fusion of cutting-edge AI (XAI) technologies and cognitive transparency, where logic governs these algorithms through an aura of inscrutability, defying human comprehension and explanation alike.

    ❝Unchecked machine learning models possess the potential to transform into what she aptly termed “Weapons of Math Destruction.” She insightfully pointed out that as these algorithms ascend in efficiency, assuming an air of arbitrariness, they concurrently descend into a realm of unaccountability.❞ Cathy O’Neil is an adept mathematician and author.

    XAI represents a transformative leap in AI technology that doesn’t just produce outcomes but also stays equipped with the ability to articulate the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ behind each derived decision. The ability of the XAI model stems from a transparent rationale and a comprehensible decision-making process encoded with the XAI strategies and efficiencies. 

    Balance between XAI and Performance Trade-off

    In this AI digital age, the demand for transparency and trust is paramount, especially in situations that necessitate the implementation of the social “right to explanation.” XAI methodologies allow for an inherent design that provides human-comprehensible explanations for the decisions they arrive at. Whether it’s an urgency in the banking sector due to the swift evaluation of AI techniques and algorithms, or whether it’s about approving a loan application, diagnosing a medical condition, or even deciding the course of autonomous vehicles, XAI’s explanation becomes the bridge between a seemingly enigmatic algorithm and the human need for deeper learning and understanding. 

    Moreover, what’s contributing to the XAI’s complexity is the proliferation of big data, the rise in computing power, and the advancements in modeling techniques such as neural networks and deep learning. Notably, XAI’s implementation in high-risk business industries has helped teams within the organizations integrate AI and collaborate with their counterparts. 

    2023 has also witnessed a notable uptick in the utilization of automated XAI machine learning (AutoML) solutions. In the current landscape, a range of models ranging from deep neural networks to decision trees have come into the AI tech realm. While simple-to-use models are far more interpretable, they still lack predictive power, whereas complex algorithms are critical for advanced AI applications in high-risk business sectors such as banking, securities trading, cybersecurity, and facial or voice recognition. In addition, the adoption of off-the-shelf AutoML solutions requires extensive analysis and documentation.

    Today’s AI world is a vital cornerstone that not only fortifies the integrity of AI-driven systems but also elevates the accountability and compliance standards governing their deployment. This cornerstone is none other than Explainable AI (XAI). With its profound impact on regulatory frameworks and algorithmic accountability, XAI has emerged as an essential bridge between the intricate pathways of AI-driven decisions and the imperative need for transparency and comprehension. Let’s explore the realm of XAI applications and its top five use cases in high-risk industries for business, empowering you to harness its potential and drive success in your organization.

    1. Illuminating Financial Landscapes: Building Trust in Algorithms

    In the intricate world of financial services, where risk assessment models, algorithmic trading systems, and fraud detection reign supreme, XAI emerges as a beacon of transparency. By offering transparent explanations for the decisions shaped by AI algorithms, financial institutions not only gain the trust of their customers but also align themselves with stringent regulatory requirements. The synergy between XAI and the financial sector enhances customer confidence, regulatory compliance, and ethical AI deployment.

    2. Healthcare’s Guiding Light: Enriching Patient Care

    In the realm of healthcare, XAI’s impact resonates deeply. XAI in healthcare explains diagnoses, treatment recommendations, and prognoses that empowers healthcare professionals to make informed decisions while fostering trust with patients. By shedding light on the rationale behind medical AI systems, XAI enhances patient care and augments the decision-making process, turning complex medical insights into comprehensible narratives.

    3. Personalized CX: The Business Advantage

    Businesses embracing XAI unlock the potential of tailored customer experiences. By elucidating the reasons behind recommendations or offers based on customer preferences and behaviors, companies deepen customer satisfaction and loyalty. XAI transforms opaque algorithms into transparent companions that customers can trust, fostering long-lasting relationships between brands and consumers.

    4. Navigating Autonomy: Trusting Self-Driving Cars

    In the pursuit of autonomous vehicles, XAI plays a pivotal role in ensuring safety and instilling public trust. By providing real-time explanations for vehicle decisions, passengers gain the confidence needed to ride comfortably in self-driving cars. XAI bridges the gap between the intricacies of AI decision-making and human understanding, propelling the adoption of autonomous vehicles.

    5. Justice and Transparency: XAI in Legal Proceedings

    Legal proceedings hinge on transparency and fairness, and XAI offers a solution. By providing interpretable explanations for legal decisions, such as contract reviews or case predictions, XAI streamlines legal processes while ensuring accountability. Lawyers save time, clients gain insights, and justice is served in a comprehensible manner.

    Empowerment through Clarity: XAI’s Timeless Promise

    In the midst of the complex AI landscape encompassing machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning, Explainable artificial intelligence shines as a beacon of human-machine symbiosis. It unravels economic trends hidden within massive datasets and deciphers intricate biological patterns, spanning fields from econometrics to biometry. Across e-commerce and the automotive industry, XAI’s elucidations grant consumers and stakeholders unprecedented insights into the decisions shaping their experiences.In essence, Explainable AI isn’t just a technological advancement; it signifies a paradigm shift that transcends digital frontiers to touch the core of human understanding. By shedding light on the inner workings of AI systems, XAI empowers individuals, organizations, and societies to harness AI’s potential with clarity and confidence. As technology’s influence continues to expand, XAI stands as a guiding light, ensuring that machine-made decisions remain understandable, accountable, and aligned with human values. With XAI, tech enthusiasts stride into a future where transparency and comprehension illuminate the path to AI-driven progress.

    Visit AITechPark for cutting-edge Tech Trends around AI, ML, Cybersecurity, along with AITech News, and timely updates from industry professionals!

    The post XAI Adoption Strategies for High-Risk Industries first appeared on AI-Tech Park.
