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The Science of Human Intelligence in AI’s era

Human Intelligence is the rock on which Pattern Recognition Lays its ground & now is the time to understand how it can help AI & ML grow further and become smarter

There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits to human intelligence, imagination, and wonder.Ronald Reagan

Ever wondered how is it that every person has the ability to learn and apply logic to comprehend things and situations? While it is debatable how two people, who were taught the same thing, can act differently in similar situations, it is true that intelligence is what makes them solve problems and make decisions, and actually drives their entire being. 

Let’s take an example. There was a pretty famous case about a 24-year old girl who used her intellect and quick thinking to save a woman who was kidnapped. The 24-year old worked as a cashier at a gas station and on a pretty normal day was approached by a woman who asked her for help. The cashier quickly locked the doors of the store and gave this woman her phone while asking her to lock herself in the bathroom.

When the kidnappers tried to get in, instead of panicking and trying to keep the door locked, the cashier opened it and was asked the reason for locking the door, to which she said that it was to give the woman who had just gotten her period some privacy. This acted as a stalling technique until the police arrived and took the kidnappers into custody.

Putting someone else in this situation could result in a different outcome, because of the difference in understanding and decision making.

A Quote depicting the  importance of Human Intelligence towards Digital Transformation through AI

Human Intelligence is the intellectual capacity of a person that allows them to think and learn from their experiences about the ways to apply logic, recognize patterns, and communicate with other human beings.

What is Human Intelligence? 

Human intelligence is the stream of knowledge that is backed by abstract feelings and emotions such as passion and awareness. It is what enables people to handle abstract concepts and complexities. And not to mention, Human intelligence is what stimulates the widely used and deeply advanced technology – Artificial intelligence.

A Ted Talk by Scott Barry Kaufman on a new theory rising in the arena of Human Intelligence

The definition of human intelligence points towards the mental ability of the human brain to form concepts and solve problems. In simple terms, it is what makes a person decide on what to do next. 

Whereas, the definition of Artificial Intelligence is nothing more than the simulation of human intelligence, where it applies the human techniques of the brain to a machine, in order to make decisions and mimic human actions.

Types of Human Intelligence

There are different types of human intelligence that are triggering the development and innovation of artificial intelligence in a similar fashion. Let us look at a couple of types of Human Intelligence that are currently defining the scope of innovation and business development.

  • Visual or Spatial intelligence, wherein a person with higher intelligence is extremely visual and good at recognizing patterns.
Tweet making a joke about spatial intelligence and depicting the popularity
  • Linguistic-verbal intelligence, wherein the person is quite sensitive to the meaning and usage of words and can communicate well.

Bringing us to the application of AI in Natural Language Processing for translations and interpretation of the text, audio, video.

  • Intrapersonal Intelligence is where a person knows his/her emotional state and knows how to take control of them with a sense of sensitivity towards others’ feelings.

Mental Health chatbots are powered by AI and designed in a way that they can empower people struggling with their mental health, to better understand their emotions and find a way to take better care. 

  • Logical-mathematical intelligence is when the individual is skilled at problem solving and calculations and can solve complex computations.

AI is built on algorithms that can automate complex tasks and solve problems in no time. This is a stream where mathematical reasoning backs most of the actions.

So, it is clear that

human intelligence is the foundation of machine intelligence that is responsible for bringing human appropriation to a machine.
But in what specific ways is human intelligence different from artificial intelligence?

Let’s take a look- If we go on to take them head-on, then attached is a crisper analysis to the most asked

AI vs HI ( Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence)

  • The first and the most important distinction between human intelligence and artificial intelligence is that AI is a mimic of Human intelligence wherein the machine tries to think like a human. And HI is where a person uses his/her brain and its capacity to make decisions.
  • Task Automation – Since AI gives machines the power to perform tasks, it is easy for this technology to automate these processes and ensure they’re error-free. But, when it comes to human intelligence, it up to the caliber of the person that decides the ratio of error and speed have taken to perform the task.
  • Learning Power – Humans have the ability to learn from their and others’ mistakes, perform trial and error, and implement those learnings to a variety of activities that they go through, during the day. But AI can only learn from what data is input and only perform activities in the way that it is directed to. It is the thinking power that is lacking in machines.
  • Quick Data Interpretation – With AI, it hardly takes any time to discover hidden patterns and make sense of the data, regardless of the volume. But with HI, it can take some time to go through all the information and work on the interpretation.
News depicting AI vs HI

Now that we have covered the types of Human Intelligence let us hop onto the Implementation level and discuss variously


  • Human Brain works on high-level tasks with RPA bots executing sequential tasks
  • Human Intelligence can understand different languages, and speech recognition and translation can automate conversion.
  • Human Intelligence can identify known faces for security purposes, implementing the same to facial recognition by identity verification providers. 

Many companies such as Amazon and Google utilized HI+AI for enhancing their offerings such as identifying the right category tags for product placements and displaying the right ads in product videos.

Human Intelligence has been the foundation of Artificial Intelligence and several companies are now leveraging its power to advance their offerings or functionalities. Let us look at some of the tasks solving abilities of Human Intelligence being implemented by the Top Tech Companies around the globe?

  • Duolingo

Duolingo is one of the largest language learning applications with the mission to scale education and work towards enabling people with income flows via language learning. Duolingo has more than 500 Million registered users that learn different languages and excel at them with fun and regular assessments.

Duolingo is a thorough multilingual chatbot based on augmented reality, but one very important factor that powers the assessment process of this application is human intelligence. How?

High-stake tests are often prone to cheating and impose the need for proctors. But with remote and online tests, that can be quite challenging. So, Duolingo came up with a supervision proctoring model, wherein the test sessions will undergo scrutiny by NLP and computer vision analyzing behavioral and environmental factors. And, if any suspicious activity gets detected, it anonymously goes to the human proctors, who then take the final decision on the status and certification of the digital test.

  • Appen

Appen is a market leader in high-quality training data with industry-leading services of its ML-assisted annotation platform.  This platform is highly recognized in the industry for successfully training AI and ML models and the judgments that they should be making.

But how does human intelligence come into the picture here?

Appen’s data annotation platform is not just a service platform, but also a crowdsourced human network that has a crowd present in over 170 different countries and expertise in over 235 languages. It functions in 3 steps-

  1. The ML algorithm first provides the best guess hypothesis, which is reviewed by human contributors.
  2. To reduce the cognitive load, the ML offers in-tool efficiencies while the human contributors continue to work in a more comfortable environment.
  3. The ML then verifies the human contributors’ judgment before they are finalized.

This makes the Appen platform a machine and human-powered intelligence platform with unmatched capabilities and admiration across industries, wanting to train their AI, ML models.

  • UiPath

UiPath is a global leader in Robotic Processing Automation (RPA) technology, known for streamlining processes and uncovering end-to-end high-scale automation. It is the go-to software for businesses looking to undergo digital transformation and automate repetitive tasks.

This RPA-driven solutions provider is one of the largest contributors to the automation sector and is widely recognized for its innovative adoption of technology. But, it is also the company that considers human intelligence as one of the top factors of innovation. How?

UiPath Action Center is a product where automation meets humans and allows them to make important decisions such as escalations, approvals, and exceptions. Even though robotics is the core of UiPath’s offerings, with UiPath Action Center, businesses can easily hand off their processes from robots to humans and back again. It offers a central portal where users can have access to all the supporting documents and tasks and even hand over the task back to the robots. This makes the automation process highly intelligent because of the human factor involved. Human intelligence is what powers the significant decisions here.

Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence, shown through an AI-RPA Robot vs Human

Many other big tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and even Microsoft rely on human intelligence for the high-profile tasks that can be done by machines but are not because of the lack of several human factors. AI and HI can go hand-in-hand to empower not just the technology, but also our learning capacities.

So, the end question as an aspirant might be, How do I get an entry-level job as an Intelligence Specialist to start my journey up the AI, HI corporate ladder? Don’t worry we got you covered

Tips to get an entry-level job in the human intelligence/ artificial intelligence arena

  • Understand the current industry requirements
  • Identify and evaluate your key skills and drawbacks
  • Undergo training to acquire needed skills
  • Study the market leaders

This also brings us to the more pivotal and “need of the hour” question

What are the basic skills that you should possess to be eligible for the Human Intelligence Job/Career Band? 

  • Algorithmic Understanding
  • Mathematical and Statistical Skills
  • Coding
  • Programming Languages
  • Network Modelling
  • Analytical Reasoning
  • Graphical Modelling
  • Cognitive Science
  • Computer Science
  • Data Visualization

Even with the vast advancements in the technological arena, human intelligence is here to stay. The human brain is designed with the utmost capabilities that we are yet to mimic. So, it is true that tech is now trying to act like the brain, but we are yet to surpass the intelligence that a human possesses. 

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