Author : Ciro Donalek

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Ciro Donalek is the chief technology officer and co-founder of Virtualitics, a leading provider of AI-driven data intelligence. Donalek is a leading expert in Artificial Intelligence and data visualization. As a Computational Staff Scientist at Caltech, he successfully applied Machine Learning techniques to many different scientific fields, co-authoring over a hundred publications featured in major journals (e.g., Nature, Neural Networks, IEEE Big Data, Bioinformatics). He holds several patents in the fields of AI and 3D Data Visualization, co-authoring the ones that define the Virtualitics AI platform. Dr. Donalek is passionate about teaching and public outreach and has given many invited talks around the world on Machine Learning, Immersive technologies and Ethical, Interpretable and Explainable AI. He holds a Ph.D. in Computational Sciences / Artificial Intelligence (University Federico II of Naples, Italy) and an MS in Computer Science (University of Salerno, Italy). He is married with two children.